Weekend Writing Retreat
for Women of Color

When: September 30 - October 2, 2022

Where: Millay Arts, Austerlitz New York

Join me for three fulfilling days of nourishment for body, mind, spirit, and writing! Each participant gets their own writing studio for the weekend (imagine!) and we'll have sacred circles in the evenings to gather in community and offer thanks for a day with the muses and with nature. There’s so much nature! There's a desk out in a meadow that looks at the mountain ranges of the Berkshires. There's a poetry path and a hiking trail. There's also delicious food! (Imagine fresh eggs from the hen house of a nearby farm! Omg there's nothing like eggs that fresh!) Space is LIMITED. There are ONLY 6 spots available for this intimate retreat. Grab this opportunity to break from the regular life to dive into your work uninterrupted (no kids asking to be driven somewhere, no laundry to attend to, no non-writers to contend with haha!) and to reconnect with your divine inner being!

Note: This retreat is for ONLY for women/femmes/nonbinary writers of color.