A sacred healing workshop
for women of color

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Tuesday, May 4, 2021 7-9 PM ET

If you’re a woman of color, you already know how much trauma we carry, how heavy it can get, depending on the day, depending on the news cycle. This past year has been particularly difficult. Unfortunately, because of what we’ve been conditioned to believe about ourselves and because of what we’ve seen our elders and ancestors do to handle trauma, most of us just power through.

The problem with that is you’re still carrying the burden. Yes, you power through —for that moment— but you’re still heavy with trauma. You still get triggered. You still live “on alert”. And you are exhausted. But you’ve been living with it for so long that it’s part of your “normal”. You don’t even know how much weight you’re carrying until someone (like yourself!) lightens the load. It’s like when the air conditioning blows and you’re not even aware how loud it is until it stops and silence is like a blanket on your ears.

Imagine what it would feel like to have that kind of relief for your body, to release some of that weight.
To get back some energy. To feel lighter again.

In order for that to happen, you need to take a closer look at the root of what’s weighing you down —the source of your trauma. And sometimes, it’s not always obvious.

For this 2-hour workshop, we’ll look at the stories you’ve been given about who you are and how your trauma has defined you (or not), clear out the weeds, and create space to plant new seeds in your garden. We’ll use meditation, writing, and sacred ritual as our gardening tools to help release and clear the way for healing.

So join me for this special workshop—specifically created for women of color—and begin to heal yourself from the inside out.